Reduce WHS risks associated with stress in the workplace. 

Coaching assists people to design a new way forward, by identifying goals and measurable actions to achieve success. Coaching is about helping people realise new possibilities - a process that explores where a person is at, where they want to be and what is missing, with a particular focus on mindset.

Coaching is used to develop action plans for individuals who are at risk of experiencing stress at work and the potential lodgement of a WorkCover claim or absenteeism. Coaching is aimed to inspire forward movement in a non judgemental way to facilitate change. For coaching to be a suitable option, the coachee must be willing and open to be coached, as well as committed to taking any agreed actions.

Coaching assists employees who are unsatisfied with where they are at and are wanting support to move themselves forward. Unlike EAP programs, the services of a coach are about developing clear, smart, measurable goals. It is not at all therapy. Coaching assesses where one is at in relation to a person’s goals, explores new possibilities to move forward and demands accountability. Coaching can assist people in areas as detailed below.

  • Interpersonal challenges within a team or other stakeholder

  • Managing overwhelm and stress

  • The development of systems to support workflow / workload

  • Time management

  • Work life balance

  • Leadership

Coaching can be an invaluable, cost effective tool to reduce potential OHS costs associated with employee dissatisfaction when therapy and quick fixes are not appropriate or available.